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Sarah offers daytime and evening lectures online using Zoom and other platforms. With the benefits of on-screen image enhancement to reduce the signs of 'natural ageing' (above), she thoroughly enjoys presenting online as this is well suited to her lively and informal style. She is happy to take questions after a talk and to chat with webinar hosts and attendees. Her unique digital images, taken during conservation work and technical research, can be enjoyed directly by audiences in the comfort of their own homes. Due to copyright restrictions a reduced list of titles is offered but if there is one of specific interest to you please make contact as Sarah will do her best to accommodate this.


"What a great lecture, very informative and extremely interesting with great digital images,

could view again!!"

The Arts Society, Evesham & Pershore, September 2020


"Absolutely brilliant! It was so amazing my notes of thanks are not worth reading

as all I can say is brilliant!"

The Arts Society, Chairman, Nidd Valley, Harrogate Evening Group, February 2021


"Your lecture generated more emails and comments than any previous lecture I have been personally involved in - lots of comments and appreciation for your subject and your lecture style, it's obvious you know your stuff!"

The Arts Society, Booking Secretary, Nidd Valley, Harrogate Evening Group, February 2021


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